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英文情话短句带翻译 外国情话语录经典语录


9、 奈何桥畔轮回转,定携素手至桑田。Nevertheless, the bridge turns around and will take Su-hand to Sang-tian.
10、 除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。Unless loess and white bone, I will keep you safe for a hundred years.
11、 要我们牵着手,每一个日子都是幸福。Let's hold hands and be happy every day.
12、 我喜欢你,也喜欢那个喜欢你的我。I like you, and I like the one who likes you.
13、 想你的我在想你,想我的你在想我吗?I miss you. I miss you. Do you miss me?
14、 我坏,因为你,我好也只为你!I am bad, because of you, I am good only for you!
15、 爱到最后,成全你的自由。In the end, love will make you free.
16、 只要心中有爱,就一定有希望。As long as there is love in heart, there must be hope.
英文情话短句带翻译 外国情话语录经典语录
17、 你为我扫屋子,我为你去扫天下!You sweep the house for me, I sweep the world for you!
18、 就这样爱上了你,爱到无法自拔。So fell in love with you, love can not extricate themselves. 
